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Available for registration, all extensions are here!

On Sale!

28.9 from €29.94


Monday 30 June!


Available for registration, all extensions are here!


Information about .games domain names

Registry Category Sunrise General Availability
United TLD Holdco Ltd. Sports αλλά και Identity And Lifestyle 7 December 2015 21 September 2016

Information about .games domain names

Registry: United TLD Holdco Ltd.
Category: Sports αλλά και Identity And Lifestyle
Sunrise: 7 December 2015
General Availability : 21 September 2016
Domain Name .games
Registration Period: 1 Year
Renewal Period: Up to 10 Years
Allowed Domain Name characters: 2-63 characters
IDN Supported: Ναι(οχι Ελληνικά)
Price: On sale for €28.9 from €29.94, saving 3.47%, for registrations valid until Monday 30 June.
Domain Name .games
Email Notification 60, 30, 15, 7 and 3 days before expiry: Yes
SMS notification 7 and 2 days before expiry: Yes
Days in grace period:
Renewal through the Control Panel: Yes
Price in normal period: €29.94
Price in restoration period: €65.66
Domain Name .games
Time to complete the transfer process: 5-10 Days
Price: €29.94
Domain Name .games
Price: €65.66
Pending Delete: days after the restoration period.
Domain Name .games
Owner Change:

Register Your .games Domain with Domain Market

The .games domain is perfect for game developers, gaming communities, and enthusiasts. Showcase your games or related activities with a unique online presence that connects you to the gaming world. Secure your .games domain now and enhance your digital gaming presence.

Introduction to .games Domains

The .games domain offers an excellent opportunity for game developers, gaming communities, and enthusiasts to showcase their activity online. Enhance your digital presence with a .games domain that reflects your gaming theme. For more information on domain registration and extensions, visit ICANN, the global domain registry authority.

Why .games Domains Appeal to Game Developers

Using a .games domain boosts the professional image of game developers and gaming communities. It provides a recognizable and relevant address that attracts players and enthusiasts, making it easier to showcase and promote your games. For more about the benefits of domain names, explore our domain name price list.

Why Choose a .games Domain?

Choosing a .games domain allows you to create a unique online address directly associated with the world of gaming. It’s perfect for showcasing your games, building a strong online presence, and engaging with the gaming community. To get started with affordable web hosting, check out our web hosting services.

Register a .games Domain through Domain Market

Fast and Easy Domain Registration Process

The process of registering a .games domain through Domain Market is quick and easy. Follow the simple steps on our platform to complete your domain registration without delays. Want to check if your domain name is available? Use our Whois lookup tool to check.

Competitive Prices for .games Domains

At Domain Market, we offer competitive prices for .games domain registration. Take advantage of our transparent prices and secure your domain at the best rate. Visit our free domain name benefits page for more details.

Advantages of a .games Domain

Creating an Impressive Online Presence

Owning a .games domain allows you to create an impressive and recognizable online presence tied to the world of gaming, enhancing your games’ visibility and interaction with players.

Easy Access for Players and Enthusiasts

A .games domain helps you connect effectively with players and gaming enthusiasts, making you more accessible and recognizable online.

Exclusive Offers from Domain Market

Special Offers for .games Domain Registration

Domain Market offers special promotions for registering .games domains. Visit our website to see the latest offers and take advantage of our discounts. Also, check out our ICANN website for more information on domain regulations.

Restrictions for .games Domains

No Strict Restrictions

There are no strict restrictions for registering a .games domain. The domain is available to anyone interested in creating an online presence in the gaming sector.


Summary of the Benefits of a .games Domain

Registering a .games domain is ideal for game developers, gaming communities, and enthusiasts who want to enhance their online presence with an address related to the gaming world. Register your .games domain today through Domain Market and take advantage of our excellent services and offers.

Are you ready to register your .games Domain Name?

Search and register it, in 30 seconds, at the lowest price!

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