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Linux Fully Managed NVMe SSD

Like you've never seen before!

NVME VServers with fully accountable management, 24/7 Monitoring and Support!

Fully Managed Nvme VServers for every need

Apache | HTTP/2 | Mod Security | PHP 5.6 - PHP 8.4 | Maria DB | SSL | Softaculous Auto Installer | Cloudflare CDN

Fully Managed 1

from €96.60 | 20% DISCOUNT

    • 50GB NVMe Disk Space
    • Unlimited Monthly Traffic
    • Standard Resources 4 Core CPU
      16GB RAM
    • 25 cPanel accounts
    • Unlimited MySQL Databases
    • Softaculous Auto Installer
    • Free SSL
    • Free Domain Name*
    • Private Nameservers
    • 24/7 Support
  • Advanced Protection All Simple Reseller Hosting plans include protection from DDoS Attacks, as well as Intrusion Detection, Malware Detection, and Honeypots. For even greater security, daily backups of all files and databases are performed X2 on remote servers.
  • Free Features With every Simple Reseller Hosting package, you get: Free Domain Name (.gr, .com, or .eu depending on your subscription), Free migration of your website(s) to Domain Market, and Free SSL for all your domains!

Fully Managed 2

from €110.40 | 20% DISCOUNT

    • 80GB NVMe Disk Space
    • Unlimited Monthly Traffic
    • Standard Resources 6 Core CPU
      24GB RAM
    • 50 cPanel accounts
    • Unlimited MySQL Databases
    • Softaculous Auto Installer
    • Free SSL
    • Free Domain Name*
    • Private Nameservers
    • 24/7 Support
  • Advanced Protection All Web Simple Reseller Hosting packages include protection from DDoS Attacks as well as Intrusion Detection, Malware Detection, and Honeypots. For even greater security, daily backups of all files and databases are performed X2 on remote servers.
  • Free Features With every Simple Reseller Hosting package, you get: Free Domain Name .gr, .com, or .eu depending on the subscription you choose, Free migration of your site(s) to Domain Market, and Free SSL for all your domains!

Fully Managed 3

from €151.80 | 20% DISCOUNT

    • 120GB NVMe Disk Space
    • Unlimited Monthly Traffic
    • Standard Resources 6 Core CPU
      36GB RAM
    • 75 cPanel accounts
    • Unlimited MySQL Databases
    • Softaculous Auto Installer
    • Free SSL
    • Free Domain Name*
    • Private Nameservers
    • 24/7 Support
  • Advanced Protection All Web Simple Reseller Hosting plans include protection from DDoS Attacks, as well as Intrusion Detection, Malware Detection, and Honeypots. For even greater security, all files and databases are backed up daily X2, on remote Servers.
  • Free Benefits With each Simple Reseller Hosting plan, you get: Free Domain Name .gr, .com, or .eu depending on the subscription you choose, Free transfer of your site(s) to Domain Market! Free SSL for all your domains!

Fully Managed 4

from €165.60 | 20% DISCOUNT

    • 200GB NVMe Disk Space
    • Unlimited Monthly Traffic
    • Standard Resources 8 Core CPU
      36GB RAM
    • 100 cPanel accounts
    • Unlimited MySQL Databases
    • Softaculous Auto Installer
    • Free SSL
    • Free Domain Name*
    • Private Nameservers
    • 24/7 Support
  • Advanced Protection All Web Simple Reseller Hosting plans include protection from DDoS Attacks, as well as Intrusion Detection, Malware Detection, and Honeypots. For even greater security, all files and databases are backed up daily X2, on remote Servers.
  • Free Benefits With each Simple Reseller Hosting plan, you get: Free Domain Name .gr, .com, or .eu depending on the subscription you choose, Free transfer of your site(s) to Domain Market! Free SSL for all your domains!

Prices do not include VAT.
The discount is valid only for the first order.

Support from an Excellent Team

We put our heart, skills, and expertise into the success of your website.

Available 24/7

Via phone, chat, and ticket.

Competent and Friendly

Willing to help with any issue, even if they are not our customers.

Extremely Fast

In receiving and analyzing the issue.

98% Satisfaction Rate

Based on the annual customer satisfaction survey.

Δωρεάν Πλήρως Fully Managed VServers

Πλήρως Fully Managed VServers

Όλοι οι Fully Managed VServers μας προσφέρουν πλήρη διαχείριση και υποστήριξη. Αναλαμβάνουμε τη ρύθμιση και υποστήριξη κάθε πτυχής της χρήσης του διακομιστή σας, από την εγκατάσταση λογισμικού και τη ρύθμιση του Firewall έως τις αναβαθμίσεις. Στόχος μας είναι να διασφαλίσουμε την απρόσκοπτη λειτουργία του διακομιστή σας, επιτρέποντάς σας να εστιάσετε στις δικές σας επιχειρησιακές ανάγκες χωρίς τεχνικές ανησυχίες
Πίνακα έλεγχου WHM -cPanel

WHM -cPanel

Στο Domain Market παρέχουμε σε όλους τους Fully Managed VServers μας πίνακα ελέγχου cPanel. Με το cPanel, έχετε στη διάθεσή σας ένα ισχυρό και εύχρηστο εργαλείο διαχείρισης του διακομιστή σας, επιτρέποντάς σας να διαχειρίζεστε εύκολα ιστοσελίδες, emails, βάσεις δεδομένων και πολλά άλλα. Στόχος μας είναι να εξασφαλίσουμε ότι η εμπειρία διαχείρισης του διακομιστή σας θα είναι απλή και αποτελεσματική, ώστε να μπορείτε να επικεντρωθείτε στις κύριες επιχειρηματικές σας δραστηριότητες.
Δωρεάν πιστοποιητικά SSL

Δωρεάν πιστοποιητικά SSL

Στους Fully Managed VServers, μέσω του πίνακα ελέγχου, παρέχονται δωρεάν πιστοποιητικά SSL για όλα τα domains που φιλοξενούνται σε αυτούς. Τα πιστοποιητικά SSL προστατεύουν τα δεδομένα που μεταδίδονται μέσω του ιστοτόπου, εξασφαλίζοντας την ασφάλεια των χρηστών. Επιπλέον, τα SSL πιστοποιητικά συμβάλλουν στη βελτίωση της κατάταξης στις μηχανές αναζήτησης, ενισχύοντας την ορατότητα και την αξιοπιστία του ιστοτόπου σας. Με το Domain Market, έχετε την ηρεμία ότι οι Fully Managed VServers σας προσφέρουν ασφάλεια και υψηλή απόδοση.
AI anti-bot system

AI anti-bot system

Το μοναδικό μας σύστημα anti-bot AI, προγραμματισμένο με τις γνώσεις που έχουν συγκεντρωθεί από τους SysAdmin μας με την πάροδο των ετών, εμποδίζει αποτελεσματικά εκατομμύρια απειλές ασφαλείας κάθε μέρα. Με την προηγμένη τεχνολογία AI, το σύστημά μας ανιχνεύει και εξουδετερώνει κακόβουλες επιθέσεις πριν προλάβουν να επηρεάσουν τον διακομιστή σας. Έτσι, εξασφαλίζουμε την αδιάλειπτη λειτουργία και ασφάλεια των δεδομένων σας, προσφέροντας μια αξιόπιστη και προστατευμένη εμπειρία φιλοξενίας.

Custom WAF

Custom WAF

Our sysadmin team constantly updates the Firewalls on our servers with custom rules (custom WAF) to keep your website secure from various attacks. With continuous updates and adjustments to security rules, we ensure that your system is protected from the latest and most advanced threats. Our commitment to security guarantees the integrity and stability of your online presence.

Antivirus and Antimalware

Antivirus and Antimalware

All Fully Managed VServers come with automatic malware detection and cleaning using three different antivirus and antimalware systems. Additionally, real-time scanning is performed on every file uploaded to your account. This multi-layered approach ensures that your server is always protected from malicious software, keeping your data safe and your website running smoothly.

Easy application installation with just a few clicks

Custom WAF

On Fully Managed VServers with cPanel, the Softaculous suite is provided, offering easy installation of over 400 applications. Softaculous simplifies the complex installation processes for your website applications, allowing you to install any application with just a few clicks. Save time and avoid technical difficulties by taking advantage of this convenience and flexibility in managing your server.

Automatic WordPress Installation

Automatic WordPress Installation

On all Fully Managed VServers, WordPress installation is done automatically. Enjoy the instant and effortless installation of the most popular content management system, saving time and effort. With this automated process, you can start building your website immediately without worrying about the technical details of the installation.

Managed Security & Updates

Managed Security & Updates

With the Managed Security & Updates services, we automatically update WordPress, plugins, and your website’s theme. This ensures that your website is always running the latest versions and remains secure from vulnerabilities. You can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your website is up to date and protected, without having to worry about the technical details of updates.

99.99% Uptime

99.99% Uptime

We are committed to providing the best management for your vservers and offer a 99.99% Uptime guarantee. In case we do not meet this guarantee, we compensate you as outlined by the company’s SLA. High availability ensures that your website will always be accessible, offering reliability and stability for your business.

Thousands of satisfied customers enjoy a better online presence with us. You can too.



Thousands of satisfied customers enjoy a better online presence with us. You can too.

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