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Available for registration, all extensions are here!

On Sale!

14.9 from €104.56


Monday 30 June!


Available for registration, all extensions are here!


Information about .doctor domain names

Registry Category Sunrise General Availability
Brice Trail, LLC Technology 23 August 2016 2 November 2016

Information about .doctor domain names

Registry: Brice Trail, LLC
Category: Technology
Sunrise: 23 August 2016
General Availability : 2 November 2016
Domain Name .doctor
Registration Period: 1 Year
Renewal Period: Up to 10 Years
Allowed Domain Name characters: 3-63 characters
IDN Supported: Yes
Price: On sale for €14.9 from €104.56, saving 85.7%, for registrations valid until Monday 30 June.
Domain Name .doctor
Email Notification 60, 30, 15, 7 and 3 days before expiry: Yes
SMS notification 7 and 2 days before expiry: Yes
Days in grace period: 44 Days
Renewal through the Control Panel: Yes
Price in normal period: €103.65
Price in restoration period: €159.29
Domain Name .doctor
Time to complete the transfer process: 5-10 Days
Price: €103.65
Domain Name .doctor
Price: €159.29
Pending Delete: days after the restoration period.
Domain Name .doctor
Owner Change:

Register Your .doctor Domain with Domain Market

The .doctor domain is the ideal top-level domain (TLD) for doctors, medical clinics, healthcare professionals, and anyone involved in the field of medicine. Through Domain Market, you can register your .doctor domain to showcase your services, strengthen your professional presence, and attract new patients.

Introduction to .doctor Domains

The .doctor domain is a specialized TLD tailored for healthcare professionals and organizations. It’s perfect for establishing an online presence that directly reflects your medical expertise and services.

Why Are .doctor Domains So Appealing?

A .doctor domain enables you to create a credible and professional online identity, appealing to patients and colleagues alike. Pair your domain with reliable web hosting to ensure your site runs smoothly.

Why Choose a .doctor Domain?

Choosing a .doctor domain allows you to stand out in the healthcare sector with a memorable and relevant domain name. Combine it with free domain benefits to enhance your online presence.

How to Register a .doctor Domain

Simple and Quick Registration Process

You can register your .doctor domain easily through Domain Market. Check availability, follow the steps, and secure your domain in minutes.

ICANN-Compliant Registration

All registrations adhere to ICANN guidelines, ensuring your domain is compliant and secure.

Advantages of a .doctor Domain

Create a Professional Online Identity

A .doctor domain helps establish trust among patients by presenting a professional and focused online presence. Discover more about affordable domain options in our Domain Name Price List.

Flexible for Various Medical Services

Whether you’re promoting a clinic, providing telemedicine, or sharing healthcare tips, a .doctor domain is versatile and impactful.

Restrictions for .doctor Domain Registration

Who Can Register?

The .doctor domain is open to all, but it’s best suited for healthcare professionals and organizations. Ensure compliance with ICANN standards for a reliable registration.

Special Offers at Domain Market

Take advantage of our affordable pricing and exclusive deals for .doctor domain registration. Act now to secure your domain at the best rates.


Registering a .doctor domain is a strategic step for doctors and healthcare organizations to establish a strong online presence. Visit Domain Market today to secure your .doctor domain.

Are you ready to register your .doctor Domain Name?

Search and register it, in 30 seconds, at the lowest price!

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