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The **Acceptable Use Policy** (AUP) of Domain Market is a comprehensive set of guidelines and rules that govern the use of our services. By using any service provided by Domain Market, you explicitly agree to comply with the following terms:

  1. Compliance: You are committed to fully comply with both the Terms of Service (TOS) of Domain Market and the AUP. This includes adherence to all relevant local, state, national, and international laws, regulations, decrees, and requirements set by the appropriate authorities.
  2. Exceeding Disk Space Limit of Package: The customer understands and agrees that if they exceed the available storage space limit of their package, their account will be temporarily suspended. To restore their account, the customer must contact the support department and either delete sufficient data to bring the account back under the package limit or upgrade to a larger storage package.
  3. Email Usage: You agree not to participate in sending unsolicited commercial or bulk email or engage in activities such as spamming or mail bombing.
  4. Email Advertising: All outgoing emails containing promotional material must include an automated opt-out mechanism.
  5. Email: Sending emails through the server’s hostname is prohibited. All emails must be sent via SMTP and through your domain, not via phpmail.
  6. Communication Standards: You agree not to engage in inappropriate communication within newsgroups, mailing lists, chat installations, or other internet forums.
  7. Unauthorized Access: You will not attempt to, facilitate, or make unauthorized access to Domain Market, third-party websites, servers, hosting accounts, or services.
  8. Malicious Software: You will refrain from allowing the remote execution of malicious software code.
  9. Denial of Service: You will not initiate denial-of-service attacks, port scans, or any activities that could compromise the servers, facilities, or other hosts or users of Domain Market’s network.
  10. Identity Fraud: Impersonating the identity of others or engaging in activities like “spoofing” to deceive others about your identity is prohibited, except when using anonymous remailers or pseudonyms online.
  11. Unauthorized Content: You must not display, store, distribute, or make available any unauthorized content, including copyrighted materials, confidential information, or health-protected information according to HIPAA.
  12. High-Risk Activities: Hosting high-risk websites is only allowed with explicit consent, such as air traffic control, health issues without prior confirmation.
  13. Impersonation: Impersonating any person or entity is prohibited.
  14. Child Protection: You must not engage in actions that harm minors in any way.
  15. Streaming Services: Hosting or operating audio and video streaming services is not permitted.
  16. Cryptocurrency and Mining: Websites with activities related to cryptocurrency, such as cryptocurrency mining scripts and speculative cryptocurrency systems, are not allowed.


Hosting of any website, content, links, or ads that:

  1. Intellectual Property: Violate intellectual property rights, promote hatred against specific groups, or contain viruses, malware, or illegal software is prohibited.
  2. Restricted Software: Include copyrighted software not freely available for distribution without cost, proxy servers, or traffic relay programs.
  3. Illegal Activities: Promote illegal activities, profit systems, torrent trackers, or peer-to-peer networks.
  4. Adult Content and Personal Data Protection: Display adult content, personal data, or private information without consent.
  5. Drugs and Violence: Advertise or support the use and sale of illegal drugs and avoid promoting violence and terrorism.

Examples of unacceptable content, data, materials, and websites include IRC bots, proxy scripts, warez, image/file rejection services, hate sites, and content focused on hacking. Material deemed obscene or threatening will be removed.

You are responsible for the security of your programs and scripts, setting appropriate permissions, and maintaining the security of login credentials. Domain Market does not provide legal advice and is not responsible for violations of the AUP.

Violations may lead to corrective actions, including content removal or service suspension, while repeated violations may lead to termination of the agreement.

Domain Market reserves the right to terminate the service agreement in the event of AUP or TOS violations, without refund. Any violations should be reported to abuse@domainmarket.gr.

This AUP is an integral part of Domain Market’s Terms of Service. For issues not explicitly covered by the AUP, the provisions of the TOS apply.

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