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Available for registration, all extensions are here!


Information about .net.af domain names

Registry Technical Operator General Availability
AfgNIC CoCCA 1997

Information about .net.af domain names

Registry: AfgNIC
Technical Operator: CoCCA
General Availability : 1997
Domain Name .net.af
Registration Period: 1 Year
Renewal Period: Up to 5 Years
Allowed Domain Name characters: 3-63 characters
IDN Supported: οχι
Price: €66.23
Domain Name .net.af
Email Notification 60, 30, 15, 7 and 3 days before expiry: Yes
SMS notification 7 and 2 days before expiry: Yes
Days in grace period: 28 Days
Renewal through the Control Panel: Yes
Price in normal period: €66.23
Price in restoration period: €94.64
Domain Name .net.af
Time to complete the transfer process: 5-10 Days
Price: €103.91
Domain Name .net.af
Price: €94.64
Pending Delete: days after the restoration period.
Domain Name .net.af
Owner Change: €-

Register Your .net.af Domain with Domain Market

The .net.af domain is the perfect choice for businesses and personal websites targeting Afghanistan. Whether you run a local business or aim to connect with an Afghan audience, the .net.af domain ensures the right online presence.

Introduction to .net.af Domain

The .net.af domain is the official country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Afghanistan. It’s an excellent choice for businesses, organizations, and individuals who want to establish a strong connection to the Afghan market and region.

Benefits of .net.af Domain

Local Connection

Registering a .net.af domain demonstrates your connection to Afghanistan, showcasing your presence in the region and building trust among local users.

Diverse Opportunities

The .net.af domain offers a unique online identity, helping your business or organization stand out in the Afghan market.

How to Register a .net.af Domain

Simple Registration Process

Getting your .net.af domain is quick and straightforward. Follow our easy steps to secure your domain and start building your online presence in Afghanistan.

Affordable Pricing

At Domain Market, we provide competitive prices for .net.af domains. Visit our Domain Name Price List to explore current offers and choose the best option for your needs.

Special Offers for .net.af Domains

Exclusive Discounts and Benefits

Take advantage of our special offers and discounts on .net.af domains. Visit our Free Benefits and Discounts with Every Domain Name page for more details.

Restrictions for .net.af Domain

General Guidelines

The .net.af domain is generally available for anyone, but some registration policies might apply. Make sure to review the ICANN regulations and the registrar’s requirements for specific details.


Summary and Recommendations

The .net.af domain is ideal for businesses and websites targeting Afghanistan. Register your .net.af domain today to create a robust and targeted online presence that resonates with the Afghan market.

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