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Notice - Removal of Terrorist Content

This notice outlines the main issues related to how AegeanHost Single Member P.C. (“AegeanHost”, “Domain Market”, “we”) handles the dissemination of terrorist content online.


Domain Market is committed to its mission against terrorist content on the internet. Therefore, we commit to complying with all relevant legislation in the field, including Regulation (EU) 2021/784 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 29, 2021 (the “Regulation”).


In accordance with our Acceptable Use Policy, the use of our services for terrorism-related purposes is prohibited. Therefore, when we identify such content hosted by us, either through our own monitoring or by receiving complaints from third parties, we reserve the right to take immediate corrective actions, including, but not limited to, the removal and/or retention of part or all of the content and/or the website(s), locking the Client Area, suspending or terminating any and all services without a refund.


We do this with the understanding that we will not block access to material disseminated to the public for educational, journalistic, artistic, or research purposes or for the purposes of preventing or combating terrorism, including material representing expressions of wartime or controversial views during public discussion.


If you, as our client, believe that we have unjustifiably removed or blocked access to your content, you are free to file a complaint, as outlined in our Terms of Use.


We will comply with removal orders issued by competent authorities in accordance with the Regulation within the timeframes set forth in the Regulation. We are not allowed to evaluate or challenge whether content subject to such removal orders is terrorist content or not. We will notify you if we have removed or blocked access to your content pursuant to such a removal order unless we have been informed by the competent authority not to do so.


In accordance with Article 15 of the Regulation, Domain Market specifies the following contact for receiving removal orders related to terrorist content: tcr@domainmarket.gr. Removal orders may be sent to the contact point in the following languages: Greek, English.

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